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After being a victim the sun does show its face again. You will rise again and you will learn to trust again. You will have new ideas and develop new feelings." Stay as long as you like. You are safe here. With Much Love, Tricia Piazza

What Is Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is simply not just a wife getting beat up by her husband.  

Most domestic violence is gender violence, which means it is violence by men directed at woman or girls, due to the fact that they are female. 

Though males can be victims as well, I will refer to victims as women and the abuser as a male.

Domestic Violence does not discriminate based on race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, religious affliation, or social location,
but rather is perpetrated by abusers from all social groups. 

There all TYPES OF ABUSE such as Emotional Abuse, Psychological Abuse, Economic Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Isolation, Stalking, and Physical Violence.

Along with that there are also FORMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, Physical and Sexual.  



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Beating often leads to permanent injuries and sometimes death.

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