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After being a victim the sun does show its face again. You will rise again and you will learn to trust again. You will have new ideas and develop new feelings." Stay as long as you like. You are safe here. With Much Love, Tricia Piazza

What I Would Like To See Done

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 I would like to see a proper relationship between the staff of the Internal Affairs and the citizens of the city and state that you live in. 

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I would like to see that there would be trust and confidence between the Internal Affairs and the Citizens.

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I think that there should be a system complaint and disciplinary procedures that subject personnel to corrective action when he/she conducts themselves

improperly, but also protects him/her from unwarranted citizens when they discharge their duties properly.

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I would like to see the law rewritten concerning restraining orders. 

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I would like to see the government recognize that if someone is granted a restraining order and it is not obeyed,

there has to be real hard action taken.

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I would like to see restraining orders become a piece of armor. 

Many women have lost their life because of a restraining order.

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I would like to see our Legislature help Citizens no matter what race, education and pay they are at.

Their job should be to fight for our protection.

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I would like to see continuing education for the law enforcement and prosecutors on violence against women
while a victim of domestic violence is present during their training.

My Image

I would like to see your community start a "coordinated community response" to domestic violence.

My Image
When everyone from 911 operators to judges have a plan of agreement of how to appropriately respond,
battered women 
and their children are safer and batterers are held accountable and given opportunities to change.

I personally think when a man batters a women, he should be arrested, issued pink boxer shorts, 
spandex pants and a pink shirt that say: 

"I Beat Women"

Criminals should be treated like criminals and not live in a life of luxury until it's time for his parole.


Break that silence. 

Don't let one more woman suffer. 

(I only say woman because I personally went thru DV. 

I know that there are a lot of men that have gone thru it also, I say to them speak up, break that silence).

I am no stranger to domestic violence.

I am no stranger to police violence.

I am Tricia Piazza & I approve this message.

Bottom Line  

  Domestic Violence Is Against The Law

No Matter What State You Live In.

© Patricia Piazza 2017 | Site By BSM