For Inquiries, Email Us At:

After being a victim the sun does show its face again. You will rise again and you will learn to trust again. You will have new ideas and develop new feelings." Stay as long as you like. You are safe here. With Much Love, Tricia Piazza

Help Telephone Numbers & Computer Safety

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1-800-787-3224 TTY  

Crisis intervention, information about domestic violence, referrals to local service providers to victims
of domestic violence and those calling on their behalf, assistance in any language. 

Everything is confidential. 

They have been in business for over 30 years.  

(I only wish I had a computer, my ex-husband threw my computer down 2 flights of stairs.)

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The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) operates the free and confidential
National Sexual Assault Hotline and is the Nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization.

RAINN also educates the public about sexual assault and leads National efforts to improve services to
victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.

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National child abuse hotline for victims, offenders, and parents. 

From any state, to get immediate guidance and help when you suspect child abuse.

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PO Box 2603
Gary, IN 46403
1-219-232-8771 -10am - 5pm EST, Monday - Friday

There is a submission process.  

If you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, or you are a representative of a victim or family member,
and would like a convicted offender placed within the registry, you will need to get a contact
form and submit the following information about the offender:

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • Race
  • Height, Weight, Eye Color, and Hair Color
  • County(ies) and State(s) where the offense(s) took place
  • Conviction type(s) and Case Number(s)
  • Prison photograph/law enforcement photograph/mug shot of the offender

Please note, it may take between 7 - 10 business days from the time they receive your submission to verify all information.

This can depend on several variables including response time from local courts to verify the information you provide with your submission. 

NDVR will confirm receipt of your submission and your patience is very much appreciated.

They are working hard to increase the public safety from domestic violence offenders.

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  • Technology could make it possible for your abuser to see what Internet sites you have visited.
  • Email is not a safe or confidential way to talk to someone about the danger or abuse in your life. Please call a telephone hotline instead.
  • Traditional "corded" phones are more private than cell phones or cordless phones.


There are hundreds of ways that computers record everything you do on the computer and on the Internet.

  • They can provide a lot of information about what you look at on the Internet, the emails you send, etc.
  • It is not possible to delete or clear all computer "footprints" and information that you want to keep private.
  • If you are in danger, please try to use a safer computer, meaning one that your abuser cannot access directly, or even remotely (by hacking into it over the Internet).
  • It might be safer to use a computer in a public library, a community technology center, or an Internet Cafe.
  • When you are done with a public computer, log out of all programs completely (don't just close the Internet Explorer/browser window).
  • It's best to shut down and/or restart the computer.
  • If you think your activities are being monitored, they probably are. Abusive people are often controlling and want to know your every move. They don't need to be a computer programmer or have special skills to monitor another person's computer activities.
  • Example: If you are planning to flee to California, don't look at classified ads for jobs and apartments, bus tickets, etc., for California on any computer an abuser can access physically or via the Internet.
  • Use a safer computer to research an escape plan. 


Updated April, 2019

© Patricia Piazza 2017 | Site By BSM